Siemens Portfolio



NX Design Software is a solution from Siemens that includes many tools for support your digital engineering need. It includes with Design , Manufacturing Simulation tools which help you to be confident that you will be able to produce better products, faster with high quality. MAT is an official distributor of Siemens and has a team of experts ready to give advice and services. We serve many Industrial Estates in Bangkok, Pathumthani, Chonburi, Rayong and other provinces throughout Thailand.


Advantages of NX CAD for design:

  • Easy to use & suitable for beginner to advanced user
  • Simple interface that makes it work faster
  • A comprehensive range for support design from 2D to 3D
  • Hybrid CAD Tool support both Solid and Surface design
  • Support to work with CAD files without parameters with Synchronous technology
  • Support files from other CAD Software
  • Support design for Manufacturing (CAM) and Simulation (CAE) quickly and easily

Therefore, NX CAD is suitable for organizations that want to enhance and optimize their product development processes to deliver to the market quickly with high quality.

Overview of NX CAD

Related Product VDO, Click (Thai language)

1.Overview of NX Packaging Design
2.Overview of NX Mold wizard
3.NX Realize Shape and Synchronous Modeling
4.NX Mold Wizard Finding Part review and Undercut

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NX CAM is a digital engineering solution from Siemens that supports the manufacturing process to generate it data. This solution able to create tool paths and validate it. MAT has a special expertise and has been certified by Siemens as a Smart Expert in NX CAM. There is also a team of experts ready to provide advice and services. We serve many Industrial Estates in Bangkok, Pathumthani, Chonburi, Rayong and other provinces throughout Thailand.

Advantages of NX CAM:

  • Quick and easy integration with NX CAD
  • Easy to use & suitable for beginner to advanced user
  • It has a simple interface that makes it work faster
  • Support Milling 2.5 Axis, 3Axis, 5Axis simultaneous, Turning, Mill-Turn, and High Speed ​​Milling
  • A wide range of tools and commands to support the creation of tool paths with speed and high accuracy
  • Able to inspect and simulate tool path with Machine Simulation before the real production
Therefore, NX CAM is a solution from Siemens that can help to improve and increase the quality of the manufacturing process. Help your organization to produce quality and accurate parts in a faster time.

Overview of NX CAM

Related Product VDO, Click (Thai language)

1.NX1980: CAM Automatic Create Holder
2.Features of Siemens NX cam 3-Axis
3.Features of Siemens NX cam 5-Axis

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CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) The broad usage of computer software to aid in engineering analysis tasks. MAT is an official distributor of Siemens and has a team of experts ready to give advice and services. We serve many Industrial Estates in Bangkok, Pathumthani, Chonburi, Rayong and other provinces throughout Thailand.

NX CAE Features

  • Reduces need for physical prototypes: Simulation has reduced the need for physical prototypes and gone for the days of iterative build-and-break cycles of the past.
  • Reduces costs: When you can simulate your prototypes. It can reduce your development cost.
  • Speeds development process: Simcenter 3D addresses complex product engineering processes by delivering revolutionary improvements in simulation efficiency.

Usage Example

  • Structure
  • Thermal
  • Motion
  • Dynamic
  • Safety
  • Flow
  • Acoustics
  • Material
  • Durability
  • Electromagnetics

Overview of Simcenter

Related Product VDO, Click (Thai language)

1.NX1980: Simcenter 3D
2.Simcenter Structural Analysis

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Tecnomatix is a digital manufacturing solution that realizes innovations in businesses by linking all areas of manufacturing from product development to process layout, process design, process simulations, process validation, and manufacturing execution with product engineering. MAT is an official distributor of Siemens and has a team of experts ready to give advice and services. We serve many Industrial Estates in Bangkok, Pathumthani, Chonburi, Rayong and other provinces throughout Thailand.

Navigate Digital Twins of Your Production Facilities

Commission Automation Systems Virtually

Perform Human-Centered Design and Planning

Offline Program Robotics & Automation

Understand the Impact of Dimensional Variation

Synchronize Process Design to Deliver Better Plans

Conduct Assembly Simulation for Virtual Process Verification

Optimize Production Logistics & Material Flow

Configure the Layout of your Digital Factory

Tecnomatix Features

  • By designing assembly lines and equipment in a 3D environment and digitally configuring them, the plant space can be optimized and verified prior. Furthermore, by utilizing assembly simulation, the entire process time can be reduced or shortened, thus improving productivity.
  • You can optimize machine utilization and labor requirements to view resource utilization and improve manufacturing accuracy and efficiency.

Overview of PSR

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Teamcenter is a global-standard product lifecycle management (PLM) system. Throughout the planning, design, and production phases, product information is centrally managed to speed up the development cycle and achieve high productivity. This enables us to respond flexibly to changes in the market. MAT is an official distributor of Siemens and has a team of experts ready to give advice and services. We serve many Industrial Estates in Bangkok, Pathumthani, Chonburi, Rayong and other provinces throughout Thailand.

Adaptable PLM Foundation

Bill of Materials Management

Change Management & Workflow

Document Management & Publishing

Manufacturing Data & Process Management

Mechanical Design Management

Model Based Systems Engineering

Product Cost Management

Visualization, Digital Mockup & Virtual Reality

Teamcenter Features

By managing and sharing product data and processes, and utilizing a variety of product information (such as manufacturing, quality, cost engineering, compliance, service supply chain, etc.), we can improve all processes from upstream of product development to manufacturing, sales, and maintenance, and satisfy market needs. By utilizing Teamcenter functions, we can solve many problems such as design/development/product manufacturing quickly and accurately.
  • Design management/Design change management (supports multi-CAD)
  • Product Composition/Bill of Materials Management
  • Management of analysis information
  • Document management
  • Workflow
  • Product lifecycle management

Overview of Teamcenter

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Opcenter APS

Opcenter APS (formerly “Preactor APS” ) is an advanced production planning and sequencing software from Siemens that enables product manufacturers to quickly and accurately plan and sequence their production processes. Factors that affect the production process are taken into consideration, such as the number and capacity of existing machines, available tools, raw materials, and so on. This makes it possible to plan and arrange the production that is accurate, precise and suitable for the manufacturer. MAT is an official distributor of Siemens and has a team of experts ready to give advice and services. We serve many Industrial Estates in Bangkok, Pathumthani, Chonburi, Rayong and other provinces throughout Thailand.



Advantages of using Opcenter APS:

  • Increased speed and accuracy in production planning and sequencing
  • Increase productivity and resource utilization
  • Reduce the amount of raw materials in stock and reduce the waste caused by the production process
  • Reduce production time and the problem of late delivery
  • Compatible with other systems such as ERP, MES, IoT, SFDC

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