MAT wins ‘Top Growth Partner Award FY2023’ from PTC!

We are thrilled to announce that Material Automation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has been honored with the Top Growth Partner FY 2023 Award by PTC! This recognition underscores our dedication to excellence, innovation, and outstanding collaboration with PTC.

About the Award:
The Top Growth Partner Award acknowledges partners who have shown exceptional growth and dedication, contributing significantly to PTC’s success. This award reflects our commitment to innovation, value delivery, and building enduring client relationships.
Especially in MAT’s IoT technology projects, there is a dedicated effort to develop and present efficient systems that effectively address the needs of customers. This includes integrating seamlessly with the organization’s existing processes, allowing customers to smoothly continue their business operations.



A heartfelt thank you to the entire Sales, Engineer teams and everyone involved for their hard work and dedication, instrumental in achieving this milestone.
To our clients and partners, your trust inspires us to reach greater heights.

This achievement is a celebration of collective efforts, and we invite you to join us in commemorating this success. Your support has been invaluable, and we look forward to continuing this journey of growth and success together.
For more updates, follow us on our social media channels. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey!

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